The Expat Woman

Jelena Arsovska, Engineer in Macedonia

Jelena Arsovska is a member of The Expat Woman Club and currently lives in Macedonia. She wears several hats and works as a Professor of Computer Science, CTO of Carsmartt Inc. and a Data Analytics Engineer and is also a mom to a sweet little girl.

jelena spotlight

Tell us a bit about yourself 

“My interest in computers started at very early age and I started with hardware and software repairs back when I was just 12 years-old. As computers became faster and better so my interest and love grew. I started designing webpages and learn to code and I fell in love in coding. Now I have Masters in Computer Engineering, Programming and Multimedia and I plan to go and get a PhD as well. I was a teacher for Microsoft Office, Mathematics and Algorithms and Programming at the European University and had my own company for software development and hardware repairs at age of 19. After I started working in a local company making software for Municipalities, Ministries and Banks for archiving documents, for monitoring public procurements and for front-desk services.

After I changed few software development companies and started freelance work as well. I did everything from designing a logo to making animations, websites, programming software….

Now I am the happiest mom in the world and a teacher of Informatics in High School. Also I work on distance, I am the CTO at Carsmartt in Miami, FL and Data Analytics Engineer at Adventag in Seatle, WA.”

What have been some of your biggest challenges and hurdles you faced as a software developer?

“I never had problems with coding anything that was being asked from me, the biggest struggle I had and still have is not having enough time to do everything and help everyone. I have worked for free and for a lot of money, but for me the most important was to help someone, even if they don’t have money or very small budget.”

What is the one accomplishment you are most proud of achieving?

“Being a mom. I cannot compare that happiness, challenges and reliving the life with my daughter that wants to know about everything surrounding her. Is the most beautiful and most important thing in the world and I am proud of being her mom.”

Why did you become a member of The Expat Woman Club and what do you like most about being a member?

“I want to learn about other women’s achievements in the Tech World all around the globe. Is the perfect place for sharing experiences and knowledge and even jobs and events.”

How do you balance your work and personal life especially as a fairly new mom?

“I don’t know either. Probably cos I am very good at multi-tasking and planning my time, but I always try not to waste time from my daughter because of my work. I may end up sleeping less but I do manage to complete everything in time.”

What are three interesting or fun facts about Macedonia?

“We are very friendly and hard-working people, we have great food and gorgeous nature. Everyone who comes here enjoys our delicious food, breathtaking nature, variety of culture and our history.”

What is your personal mantra?

“Everything you do will be your legacy, so try to leave a great one behind.”

How can The Expat Woman network support your endeavors and/or how would you like to support our network?

“We can exchange ideas, knowledge, experiences and maybe work on some projects together with a lot of experts from this network, helping each other to became great community and most successful in our fields.”



Nyna is the Founder and CEO of The Expat Woman, a global platform focused on connecting, supporting and empowering women who have moved abroad or plan to relocate. She is also a LinkedIn coach, consultant, trainer and speaker. LinkedIn played a huge role in my professional journey abroad, helping me build a network of powerful expat women and allies.

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