Sierra is a globetrotting millennial who has been exploring the world since the age of 17. From an immersive homestay experience in Japan to obtaining a residence permit in the picturesque island of Santorini, she has amassed a wealth of knowledge on navigating life abroad and adapting to new cultures. These days, Sierra is enjoying remote work freedom with her own virtual assistant business, where she provides administrative and operational support to busy small business owners from behind the scenes.
1. Where are you originally from and where you do you currently live?
I was born in New Jersey but currently reside in Mauritius. I am a repat and have had the opportunity to live in Japan, England, and Greece.
2. What has been one rewarding thing about living abroad?
The most rewarding thing about living abroad is the inevitable growth. Whether you’ve traveled for 1 week or 1 year, you can be guaranteed that you will never return home as the same person.
3. What is one fun or random fact about you that people don’t know?
My first introduction to the world outside of my own was definitely interesting. During senior year of high school, I was elected as President of Student Council and was sent to Washington, D.C. to join an international and week-long forum called Presidential Classroom. During the event, high school students from all over the world, and America, were all gathered together at Georgetown University where we worked together on various projects, toured embassies, visited national monuments, and ultimately learned about each other’s cultures. Many years later as an adult, I eventually found myself living in Georgetown and contributing all of my living abroad experience to that unique encounter at Presidential Classroom.
4. What is one tip you would like to share with new expats
I would advise new expats to place equal emphasis on finding community abroad and finding locals who you can trust. Both matter and are important!
5. Your personal mantra or quote
“Leap and the net will appear.” – John Burroughs
6. What do you like about being a member of The Expat Woman?
I mainly like the sense of community that comes with being a member of The Expat Woman. It is all-inclusive, caring, inviting, and prosperous group of ladies with shared living abroad experiences and prospectives. Basically, “we all get it.”
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