Speaker Information + Resources
Hey there! We are excited to collaborate with you to create a high-value, unique event for women living abroad.
The Expat Woman Summit founded by Nyna Caputi is a 3-day immersive, empowering and transformative virtual event designed for expat women by expat women.
The event will be hosted online from March.6th to March 8th.
Our #1 goal is to make participating in the Summit easy and fun for you, while giving you plenty of opportunities to get in front of the expat community across the globe.
As a speaker, you’ll also get free access to The Expat Power Pack as an extra “thank you” in addition to affiliate commissions!
Check out the event page for our inaugural The Expat Woman Summit in Nov. 2023.
You can also view the bios of our 2023 Summit speakers here.
How it'll all work
Let’s do a quick rundown of how The Expat Woman Summit will work:
The event will run from March 6th to 8th, 2024 with 5-7 pre-recorded presentations running each day. These presentations will include pre-recorded, 20-25 minutes of content, including a 2 min promotion or pitch.
Because our speakers and guests are in different time zones, we will not have scheduled live components for this event.
Along with the presentations, there will be a Facebook group for attendees to connect with each other and ask all of us additional questions.
We’ll have a dedicated thread for each presentation in the attendee Facebook group. It’s a great chance to engage with the attendees, answer simple questions, and point them to additional resources you have.
Leading up to the summit, we’ll have about two weeks of promotion. We’ll provide you with email and social media swipe copy and graphics to make it all easy.
Each speaker is required to promote at least once via email focused solely on the summit and at least once on social media but if you can promote as much as you can, that would be fantastic because it’s the collective promotion of all the speakers that brings everyone new leads and subscribers!
During the promotion phase and as the summit is running, we’ll promote the Expat Power Pack. This includes an all-access pass for the replays, virtual networking sessions, and additional bonuses we’ll all throw in.
This will provide immense value to our attendees, while making the work of promoting and creating a presentation worthwhile by allowing you to bring in affiliate commissions and additional email addresses. Woop!
When you invite your audience to the Summit using your affiliate link, you have the chance to earn up to 50% commissions on the All-Access Pass and The Expat Power Pack.
What I'll need from you
This all sounds great, but what do we need from you? Let’s chat about it!
My goal is to make everything easy so we can all enjoy the event while providing immense value and growing our businesses.
First, we’ll gather some basic information from you so we can finalize the Registration page and show you off on our Speakers page.
Once you let me know you’re in, I’ll send a form where you can upload this information easily.
Within that questionnaire, I’ll also ask for an optional prize to give away to one engaged attendee. The prize is totally optional but must be different from The Expat Power Pack contribution if you choose to include it. This will give me extra opportunities to shout you out to attendees!
Next is your presentation! This is a 20-25 minute pre-recorded presentation that is meant to be actionable and educational rather than promotional! We want our attendees to learn something great while getting to know you in the process. Here is the link to the presentation guidelines.
Please structure your content in a way that allows attendees to walk away feeling like they’ve really learned something, rather than a webinar format where they feel like they’re missing HOW to do something that they need to buy from you asap.
You have your choice of the following presentation formats, based on what works best for you and your topic:
- Slides
- You talking to the camera
- A mixture of the two
You are free to use your presentation however you’d like once the summit has concluded.
Your presentation should include great, actionable content. Here’s the suggested format:
- A good hook to make attendees want to continue watching
- A super quick introduction
- An overview of your topic
- Where people go wrong with your topic and tend to over-complicate it
- Teaching section
- Specific action steps (with the goal of simplifying their existing process)
- Up to a 2-minute pitch (see our tips on getting the most possible opt-ins in this opt-in and sales guide)
While you are welcome to pitch absolutely anything you’d like, I recommend a freebie that is highly related to your presentation topic and helps them continue to move forward with what they’ll learn from your presentation. This will increase the likelihood that they’ll opt-in to your email list.
The Expat Power Pack will be a value-packed addition to the presentations. To make it even more valuable and to give you an additional way to collect attendee email addresses, we encourage you to provide a resource to add
This includes things like:
- Templates (most popular with attendees)
- Trainings and workshops
- Workbooks
- Courses (big or small)
- eBooks
Note: We do not recommend any type of 1:1 contribution like 1:1 coaching)
Coupon codes requiring customers to purchase your offer for a discount will not be accepted.
And not something you are giving away as a freebie on your website.
Get tips and suggestions for your contribution to the Expat Power Pack in this opt-in and sales guide.
While this isn’t required, it’s highly encouraged that you participate. It’s a great way to collect hundreds of additional email addresses (as attendees will provide their information to claim your bonus) and it makes it easier to promote since your audience will want what you’ve included.
Speakers who do contribute a premium resource (aka not something you’re giving away as a freebie on your website) will get a 50% affiliate commission on sales, rather than 40%.
I’d love information about your bonus as soon as you’re able to provide it, but it is not due until Feb.14th. You’ll receive a questionnaire to fill out to make it easy.
Please note that attendees will be able to begin claiming resources as soon as promotion opens on Feb.16th.
The power of a virtual summit comes from a group of experts coming together for a single cause. The joint promotion that happens because of that is a huge benefit to everyone involved. We can’t get any of our speakers results above what we’d do on our own if no one shares.
To ensure this event is beneficial to all, speakers are required to send a minimum of one email about the event and post at least once on social media during the promotion period, starting on Feb. 22nd.
You’ll want to share using your affiliate link so you can get in on the 40-50% commission that will come from any sale of the summit upgrades and the additional commissions that come from purchase of our products afterward.
If you choose to contribute a bonus to The Expat Power Pack, your commission will increase from 40% to 50%. Yay!
You’ll find swipe copy and graphics in the Resource Vault below. They will be available starting Feb. 22nd. ( I will email them to you as well).
I am also happy to collaborate to help you promote. For example, I can take over your Instagram stories, come on your podcast, write a guest newsletter, or do a live in your Facebook group (all with your affiliate link) to help you get some extra conversions!
Affiliate Details
While summits are great for overall visibility and making new connections, a little extra income never hurts either, right?
That’s exactly why we’ve set up an affiliate program where you’ll receive a commission from all sales for the All-Access Pass or the Expat Power Pack you refer to the event. Create your affiliate link here in just a few easy steps.The commission structure is as follows:
- 40% for all speakers
- 50% for all speakers who include a premium bonus to Expat Power Pack ( once you create an affiliate link we will customize yours to 50%)
The pricing structure will be:
All-Access Pass – Access to all speaker presentations on the first day of the summit and ongoing access via video, audio and transcripts, two exclusive speed networking sessions during the summit
- $49 for 25-minutes after initial opt-in
- $69 from Feb. 16th to March 5th
- $99 from March 6th to March 14th
Expat Power Pack – Access to all speaker presentations on the first day of the summit and ongoing access via video, audio and transcripts, two exclusive speed networking sessions during the summit, VIP Access to Premium Bonus Content and Opportunity to win VIP prizes
- $79 for 25-minutes after initial opt-in
- $99 from Feb. 16th to March 5th
- $149 from March 6th to March14th
To make it as easy as possible for you to generate extra income, the Resource Vault includes things like email swipe copy, social media copy, and social share graphics. However, you’re more than welcome to write your own copy and even run your own Facebook ads.
I am also willing to do a podcast interview, write a guest newsletter, or do a live in your Facebook group (all with your affiliate link) to help you get some extra conversions!
Just remember to use your affiliate link, which you can create or look up here. (Again, do not use anything other than the link ThriveCart gives you.)
Payouts for sales will be made on April 14th.
As with all affiliate promotions, be sure to disclose that you’re an affiliate when sharing with your audience.
Resource Vault
Now for those resources I promised to make your life as easy as possible.
The email and social media swipe copy and graphics will be available the day before the speaker promotion starts on Feb. 20TH.
Current Action Steps
Phew, that was a lot to cover! You’re awesome for making it this far
For the sake of clarity, here are your current action steps:
- Let me know you’re in.
- Provide your basic information.
- Sign up for your affiliate account.
- Let me know if you have any questions up to this point!
Remember to grab your Speaker Checklist and get things added to your calendar.
Important Dates
Here’s a roundup of our key dates:
- Basic information: Due on Jan. 12th
- Presentation: Due on Feb. 13th
- Expat Power Pack contribution information: Due on Feb. 14th
- Speaker Promotion period: Feb. 21ST to March 6th
- Summit dates: March 6th to March 8th
- Power Pack cart closes: March 14th
- Affiliate payouts: by April 14th
Something I missed? Email me at nyna@theexpatwoman.com