Originally from Belgium and currently an expat in Singapore, Tanya Arler was raised bi-culturally, Belgian/American and is a seasoned expat spouse, having orchestrated seven international moves for her self and her family. Professionally she is a Mindset Coach, Speaker and Author of the book UNPACK – A guide to life as an expat spouse. Drawing on her over 15 years as a Mindset Coach, Tanya has founded A Happy Expat which is dedicated to helping expat spouses find their footing in their crazy new world. By framing her three keys correctly, Attitude, Expectation and Identity – you too can be come A Happy Expat. Tanya has lived in the US, Belgium, Italy, Japan and Sweden and is currently located in Singapore.
Presentation : Keys to a successful expat life as a trailing spouse
In her talk Tanya will cover her 3 keys, Attitude, Expectation and Identity. She will remind you that having a positive attitude doesn’t mean you need to be a perpetual cheerleader, discuss why expectations are inevitable – how it is your unmet expectations you didn’t even realise you had which cause frustration and will offer valuable insights into how to successfully look for your new identity in your new country. Most importantly, she will remind you that you are not alone.